Archive for the tag: Hospice

VNSNY Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse Documentary Highlights With Patients

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VNSNY Hospice and Palliative Care nurse Diane Blair was followed by the Today Show as she visited her patients in Staten Island. The documentary shows what Diane does as a home health aid and the appreciation her patients and their families have for her.

[MEDICINE] Hospice in-patient respite plan(PENANG)

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Knowing that in addition to support and encouragement, primary home caregivers need time to rest and recharge, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia’s Penang have put together what they call their “Hospice In-patient Respite Care Plan”, to help families care for relatives with cancer. Tzu Chi Malaysia
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Palliative and Hospice Care at Cleveland Clinic

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Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Connected Care offers comprehensive and multi-disciplinary palliative and hospice care to patients who are dealing with serious and terminal illnesses like:
• Cancer
• Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
• Parkinson’s
• Heart failure
• Kidney or liver failure
• Dementia
• Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)
• Etc.

Learn more about the high-quality services offered for palliative care vs. hospice care at Cleveland Clinic. Our dedicated team of physicians and specialists provide convenient and compassionate care, meeting patients wherever they may be located –hospital, assisted living facility, skilled nursing and nursing center or independent living facility.
Some of the palliative and hospice services we offer include:

• Routine home care
• Respite care
• General inpatient care
• Continuous home care
• Symptom management

For more information on Palliative and Hospice Care at Cleveland Clinic, visit the Center for Connected Care’s websites:
Hospice Care–
Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Connected Care–