Archive for June, 2024

Arthroscopic Technique for Excision of Hip Heterotopic Ossification (HO)

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For more educational videos from NYU Langone Orthopedics, visit
For more educational videos from NYU Langone Orthopedics, visit
Video Rating: / 5

Jeju Herb Dongsan

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Jeju Herb Dongsan
In about 66,115㎡ of Jeju Herb Dongsan, there are about 150 types of herbs and wild flowers in each garden and small hill, and is formed with various contents including mandarine farm. Also the walk around the herb park, herb shop and cafes are the perfect space.

Weekday : 09:30 ~ 22:00 , Weekend : 09:30 ~ 22:00 .
Video Rating: / 5

Open Heart Surgery: What to Expect (Spanish Voice Over, CC)

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Open Heart Surgery: What to Expect (Spanish Voice Over, CC)

Mire este video para comprender mejor qué esperar durante y después de una cirugía a corazón abierto en North Kansas City Hospital. Visite NKCH está certificado por The Joint Commission como Clínica Cardíaca Integral. Contamos con el programa de atención cardíaca más avanzado e integral del área Northland de Kansas City. Nuestros cardiólogos y expertos cardíacos tratan una amplia variedad de afecciones cardíacas.