Dr. Eric Roselli, Chief of Adult Cardiac Surgery, and Dr. Lars Svensson, Chairman of the Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Heart & Vascular Institute, talk about aortic valve disease and options for treatment, including types of surgery (aortic valve repair and aortic valve replacement with mechanical or biologic valves), as well as different approaches to aortic valve surgery (transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), minimally invasive heart surgery and traditional incisions). It is important to choose the best surgery for the individual patient.
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This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, shows a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedure used to combat coronary artery disease. Beginning with a midline sternal incision, the heart is connected to a perfusion machine which will take over the duties of the heart while the surgery takes place. Two different grafts are used to bypass the blocked coronary arteries: the internal thoracic artery from inside the chest wall, and the saphenous vein from the leg. After the procedure, the heart is shocked to restart its beating. A drainage tube is left at the incision site to drain away excess fluid. The animation continues to show two other types of approaches to a coronary artery bypass graft, off-pump bypass surgery and minimally invasive bypass surgery.

This is similar to the procedure performed on former president Bill Clinton and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
