Archive for November, 2019

[MEDICINE] Hospice in-patient respite plan(PENANG)

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Knowing that in addition to support and encouragement, primary home caregivers need time to rest and recharge, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia’s Penang have put together what they call their “Hospice In-patient Respite Care Plan”, to help families care for relatives with cancer. Tzu Chi Malaysia
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Last Days: HammondCare's Palliative Care Home Support program featured on ABC NSW 7.30

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On Friday, May 30 2014, ABC NSW 7.30 aired this moving story about the last few days of Roseann Tenhuen’s life.

Just over two years ago Roseann was diagnosed with a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Four weeks ago the doctors told her that they had run out of treatment options — she needed to face up to the reality that within weeks her life would be over.

Roseann was told about the HammondCare Palliative Care Home Support program, and chose to die at home, rather than remain in hospital.

For more on Roseann’s story and the Palliative Care Home Support program, see here:

Dr David Anderson of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) Sydney, delivers Keynote address at the Palliative Care NSW State Conference 2014: Back to the Future? Palliative Care in 21st Century.
Video Rating: / 5