Archive for April, 2019

Diabetes Signs: 10 Early Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

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1. Frequent Urination
Also known as polyuria, frequent and/or excessive urination is a sign that your blood sugar is high enough to start to spill into the urine. Because your kidneys can’t keep up with the high glucose levels, they allow some of that sugar to go into your urine, where it draws additional water, making you have to urinate often.

2. Extreme Thirst
Extreme thirst is one of the first noticeable symptoms of diabetes for some. It’s tied to high blood sugar levels, which cause thirst, and is exacerbated by frequent urination. Often, drinking won’t satisfy the thirst.

3. Increased Hunger
Intense hunger, or polyphagia, is also an early warning sign of diabetes. Your body uses the sugar in your blood to feed your cells. When the cells can’t absorb the sugar (because of a lack of insulin), your body looks for more sources of fuel, causing persistent hunger.

4. Nerve Pain or Numbness
You might experience tingling or numbness in your hands, fingers, feet, and toes. This is a sign of diabetic neuropathy, or nerve damage. You are most likely to experience this after several years of living with diabetes.

5. Slow Healing Wounds
There are several reasons why a wound will heal more slowly if you have diabetes. Poor circulation, the effects of high blood sugar on blood vessels, and immunodeficiency are just a few. If you experience frequent infections or wounds that are slow to heal, it could be an early symptom.

6. Blurred Vision
Blurred vision occurs early in unmanaged diabetes. It can be a sign of high blood sugar levels, which cause fluid to shift into the lens of the eye. This usually resolves when blood sugar levels normalize.

7. Dark Skin Patches
Dark discoloration in the folds of your skin is called acanthosis nigricans, and is another early warning sign of type 2 diabetes. They are most common in the armpits, neck, and groin regions.

8. Fatigue
Excessive tiredness can develop when body constantly compensates for the lack of glucose in the cells. Fatigue also occurs as your sleep gets interrupted by the urgency to urinate. People start experiencing lower levels of energy and are chronically not feeling well.

9. Sexual Dysfunction
Diabetes also damages blood vessels and nerves in the sex organs, which can lead to different sexual problems. Women can experience vaginal dryness and men can have difficulty with erection. 35 to 75 percent of men with diabetes suffer from impotence.

10. Headaches
A headache can develop due to elevated blood sugar levels and is considered an early sign of hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). The symptom gets worse as condition worsens.
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25 Most Dangerous Food for Diabetes (No.1 Scary)

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Halki Diabetes Remedy:
25 Most Dangerous Food for Diabetes (No.1 Scary).
► The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally:
► The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes:

There are so many dangerous foods for diabetics should avoid. For example candy and soda which are dangerous for diabetics. It is due to body can absorb the sugars on candy and soda directly. There will be so many food which must be avoided by diabetics such as:
Keep watch this video to learn more details.
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So I hope this video will be helpful for you all, Try this recipe at home and share your experience with me and Don’t forget to share with your family and friends.

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This Channel Only for Diabetic People …
Publishing videos of Guidelines on Best Diabetes Tips, so here you will find Health tips about type 1 and type 2 Diabetes natural cure treatment, diabetes diet, healthy food, Amazing Benefits of Fruits & solutions For Diabetes, Best Health Tips For etc.

DISCLAIMER: Diabetes Natural Treatment channel has an exclusively educational purpose and to share personal experiences with duty and in order to exchange information. The information provided on this Channel and its Videos is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We are trying to provide a perfect, valid, specific, detailed information .we are not a licensed professional so make sure with your professional consultant in case you need. Thank you very much!

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Traveling with Diabetes

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for being here and continuing to support me and be part of a great health and wellness community. I had fun making this video and i hope that it helps you if you’re traveling in the near future (with or without diabetes)

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Dining with Diabetes : Poached Salmon Recipe

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अगर ये लक्षण है तो फ़ौरन अपना शुगर टेस्ट कराएं | High Blood sugar symptoms

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अगर ये लक्षण है तो फ़ौरन अपना शुगर टेस्ट कराएं | High Blood sugar symptoms

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

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What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes Animations

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Recognizing Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes

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Twenty-six million people have it, and millions more are expected to get it. But the truth is most of us could avoid the predominant form of diabetes.

“There’s different classifications of diabetes. Most of the people in the United States that have diabetes have Type 2 diabetes. It used to be called adult onset diabetes and has been called non-insulin dependent diabetes but we more clearly call it Type 2,” says Sharon Tilbe, a certified diabetes coordinator with Lee Memorial Health System.

The less common form is Type 1 diabetes, which is naturally occurring. Type 1 is an autoimmune disorder, which used to be called juvenile diabetes since it’s most often diagnosed in children and young adults.

“The difference between the types of diabetes, Type 2 diabetes is the situation where the pancreas is no longer making any insulin at all,” says Tilbe.

Unlike Type 1, Type 2 develops slowly over time when the body stops managing insulin correctly.

“Type 2 diabetes is a combination of someone not using their insulin efficiently or not making enough of insulin,” says Tilbe.

A notable difference is that unlike Type 1, Type 2 diabetes can often be averted with some changes in lifestyle.

Stan Hillman learned the hard way after he was diagnosed with Type 2.

“I guess I brought it upon myself by eating the wrong stuff and never thinking that this would catch up with me. But it does, it catches up with anybody.”

Risk factors include excess body weight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low activity, metabolic syndrome and age.

The wake up call made Stan revaluate his lifestyle.

“Diet and exercise those are things that are going to make it go for the long run. I stay away from sweets totally.”

Left untreated, either type can lead to serious complications like cardiovascular disease and stroke. Diabetes educators are available through Lee Health Solutions to help you take control of your life.

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Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we’ve been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.

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Type 2 diabetes is a growing concern in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 22 million people have been diagnosed with it. If you develop Type 2 diabetes, your blood sugar is too high. The disease increases your risk of conditions such as blindness, amputations, heart failure and kidney failure.

More health and medical news on the Mayo Clinic News Network.

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What I Eat in a Day – Type 1 Diabetic Edition

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Welcome back and thanks for watching!

Here is a video of what I eat in a day. This was quite a light day for me and I have recently started eating a lot more. I have began Intermittent fasting and will do an updated video once I have been doing it for about a week or so and have enough footage.

I have listed calories, carbs and protein after each meal.

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Diabetics can eat any foods in the right portions, as including small portions of dried fruit with a higher quantity of greens, nuts and protein is a healthy, balanced meal. Find out how to eat anything on a diabetic diet with health advice from a registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist in this free video on nutrition.
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Dr. Oz on How to Stop Prediabetes Before It Starts

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Dr. Oz talks about the new test to find out if you’re prediabetic from the American Medical Association, the Ad Council, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Diabetes Association.

Find out how to take the quiz:
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Preventing high blood sugar starts with living a healthy lifestyle. Determine if you’re living a healthy lifestyle with advice from a registered nurse in this free video on diabetes.

Expert: Kelly Henry, RN, CDE
Bio: Kelly Henry has been a registered nurse for more than 25 years and a certified diabetes educator for more than 13 years.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso
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